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My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project

Okay, so I finally got the Dinah robot hand sewn in and it is looking pretty good. The fingers could use some tweaking but overall I'm quite happy with how it came out. It's solid and fully articulated.

Here's a photo of it in place:

Now that out of the way, I want to announce I'm officially canceling the Dinah project as far as its current goals and here's why: so basically I was thinking it would be nice to just crank out a working robot using some shortcuts and just do something quick and dirty as a learning experience side quest to get something going. It seemed reasonable at the time. Plus I could pace myself to match the build pace of a fellow roboticist and loosely follow his project's designs. But some things I missed in this decision: #1) I'd be lowering my commitment to excellent quality with no shortcuts - ignoring the adage "do it right the first time" #2) by cutting down on workmanship maxing, I'd be inviting harsh criticism on the new lowered bar of build quality which is the last thing I need when already inviting heavy criticism for a extremely ambitious set of goals to begin with #3) I'd be going against my outspoken commitment to campaign against loud metal gear noise based robots that are completely impractical for home use due to sounding like a construction site #4) it would take away from the focus on my "real" robot projects by creating a "ghetto" side quest robot that could have just been skipped altogether. #5) this would in turn delay me truly solving downgearing by pulleys and actuating the robot arm silently once and for all, proving it can be done and proving that achieving a fully human level DOF human hand and arm while maintaining a human form factor and making all of this silent can and should be done for humanoids.

So is Dinah robot just trash now? No. I still plan to have this project be done, but like Adam, it will be shelved until such a day that the other robots, when ready, complete building these shelved robots for me. And when they are built, it will be using the best methods I have including silent BLDC motors with silent pulley based downgearing. So I'm returning to work on the Abel robot whose arm will build the rest of his own body and then he will build the Adam, Eve, and Dinah robots for me.
Here is a progress update on the silent pulley downgearing system I came up with using thumb tacks and a #2 fishing crimp sleeve and little plastic discs. It is some tiny fine precision necessary work but I'm getting it done and things seem to be looking pretty good so far.



For now, I ended up just using 401 glue to glue the thumb tacks down onto post it note paper. I then put another coat of the glue over the tops of the thumb tack heads to secure it further. I am planning to use nylon upholstery thread lashings to lash all the tacks down onto the top of the 2430 bldc motor tightly and glue the lashings down as well in order to make the thumbtacks even more solidly set into place. Now I'll grant welding them down would be ideal, however, not having a micro tig welder made yet (future project), I just wanted to get going fast and I thought with enough care, it is possible these can be constructed solidly enough with composite material techniques to function reliably. I'm crossing my fingers. We'll see.
I got done cutting out the pulley discs and drilling them and mounting them to the thumb tacks and gluing them in place with 401 glue using a sewing needle tip as the applicator. They all are reasonably square and solidly in place I think. Everything is moving freely. Everything seems lined up okay. I then mounted them all to the 2430 bldc motor.


These thumb tack based pulleys still need to be lashed down well and the lashings (upholstery thread) need to be coated in 401 glue to make them stiff and solid. I also need to add pulley discs to the 2430 bldc motor that are to line up well with the pulley disc slots the string is to go to. I then need to wind up the string sections themselves, loading up the system in preparation for actual testing.
I wound up my 6lb test Hercules PE braided fishing line onto the previous pulley system setup only to find out that the pulley could only handle about 21 inches of fishing line wound onto it before it started to come dangerously close to overfilling the pulley. The aim is to have plenty of the plastic disc overlapping the fishing line even when it is wound up fully to one side because that plastic disc acts as the guide to keep the line in its proper channel. I want at least 32:1 mechanical advantage out of this downgearing so if I want my final output to be 1" then the first pulley has to be able to wind 32" of fishing line onto it comfortably. So I realized at least the first pulley has to be a few more millimeters increased in diameter. So I had to rebuild the thumb tacks arrangement to accommodate these changes and make that first pulley bigger.



With this increased size first pulley, I realized I'm getting what looks to be 7:1 mechanical advantage from just the first pulley alone! At least initially when it starts. As the fully wound up pulley gets winched in by the motor, the relative size differential gets smaller which means it will speed up and the torque will be less than the starting torque and increasingly so as the size differential decreases. This will create a natural sort of acceleration effect and high initial power and gradually less power. I think these side effects of this system seem to be quite good but I'll know for sure in testing. The next steps will be to wind up the reverse direction of the first pulley and start connecting the first pulley to the second pulley and so on. I may not even need all 5 pulleys but we'll see. With the first pulley being already 7:1, if the remaining 4 are 2:1 say, then we'd have 7:1, 14:1, 28:1, 56:1, 112:1 so 112:1 would be the final output. That seems quite overkill and perhaps will be too slow. Although very strong. The motor outputs about 0.42 lb on average so .42*112= 47lb! Now the lever of the joint itself makes you lose mechanical advantage due to the fulcrum location etc so it would drop down to say 15lb but my finger individual joint flexion power is only like 5-7lb so that's double mine. So a bit overkill. So I might skip using one of the 5 pulleys. Having it there is nice though just in case we wanted to trade speed for power for some of them we'd then use that one as an optional strength boost we can tap into in the future if we want to trade speed for strength so I might just leave it in the design even if I don't use it just yet. In testing I may find I prefer to use it afterall. Nice to have that option if needed.
So it turns out that when the forward and reverse directions portions of the thumb tack pulley downgearing system are doing their thing, they won't always have the same mechanical advantage and so will be moving at different speeds. Therefore, I have to treat the forward and reverse pulley systems as entirely separate systems that have to be completely decoupled and handled independently, each pretending like the other one doesn't even exist. They can share the same thumb tack, but have to be decoupled. So I cut the #2 fishing crimp sleeve in half using my miter saw and have to redo the plastic discs phase.


Each half #2 fishing crimp sleeve will have 3 plastic discs, one for outside of the larger diameter pulley and one for the outside of the smaller diameter pulley and one to split the two. Three total. And so with 3 plastic discs on each half crimp sleeve we have 6 total discs per thumb tack. We only had to deal with 5 before so things will be even tighter but it's fine. We have enough room.

Next, since both sets of pulleys have different speeds that vary over time, the one that is not being actively winched in at any given time will be randomly releasing slack in a chaotic way. This can lead to tangling and all sorts of problems. To resolve this, we need a automatic slack tensioner system to aid the pulley system by keeping this releasing group of pulleys in a state of good tension at all times. This I will resolve by the pictured method.


So basically a tension spring connected to a metal eyelet will at all times be trying to pull the fishing line out of alignment and draw slack out of it. So as looseness is detected, it will immediately draw that in removing it from the system maintaining taughtness everywhere at all times. This will prevent the pulleys from getting tangled or anything like that. This setup can be placed anywhere in the path between the pulley system and the joint the pulley system is to actuate.


I started some testing on just the first pulley and lots of things went wrong:

Twice I had to increase the pulley size because I wasn't able to use enough line winding onto said pulley for my total line draw need after accounting for the 32:1 downgear ratio. I calculated 27" as the very least it has to winch in at the motor shaft to get 0.84" total draw at the joint of the index finger which is perfect (27/32=.84). The pulleys were too small to accommodate 27" winched onto them so I had to increase the size - which meant removing everything, increasing size, then rewinding everything by hand for an hour plus! Just so tedious and annoying!

Another failure was one time, the string was too loose on a pulley and a tighter wrap got under the looser wraps and then the looser ones snugged against it binding it down like someone said would happen - which made it all stuck. Also I had many derailments where the string came off the pulleys and started wrapping up on the axle off all the pulleys and getting things quite stuck that way. I've been dealing with carefully untangling and rewinding tangled messes over and over. It's been a disaster. I thought of scrapping the whole thing a couple times.

However, after taking a step back, it occurred to me that the tangling issues were largely due to forgetting to put the final outlet of the system under load to tension the whole system which would keep every pulley winding nice and tight and aligned well. So this was user error and oversight, not the fault of the basic concept of the system then. I just forgot to do those parts in my rush to start testing things. I planned to only add that stuff at the very end once the whole system was done and did not think I needed to do that just to start initial testing on a single pulley. That was a faulty assumption and an oversight. The whole system always has to be under tension to work right. My bad. Lesson learned and a valuable one at that. I did not fully grasp until I saw with my own eyes the disasters the importance of keeping it all under tension at all times. Yes I knew theoretically it was needed eventually, but I did not realize the whole thing was absolutely doomed instantly every time if it is not immediately under tension even for a first set of simple tests. That was revelatory for me.

I'm glad I got to see the failures first hand though because it enabled me to study what failures can be expected when tension is not placed and know intimately first hand the importance of tension and how lack of tension causes the failures specifically. Valuable to see it with my own eyes instead of only imagining it. This has helped me come up with some cool derailment prevention and loss of tension prevention mechanisms to fool proof my system more - even beyond the tension spring drawing shown in my last post.

Note: At the top of the motor output shaft, you can see two large pulleys where I have wound 2 pulleys for moving the motor axle clockwise and counter clockwise to simulate the motor moving. These are temporary windings just for testing manually without messing with electronics for now. These need to be fed in under tension at their inlet and their inlet needs to have a eye positioned in front of it that forces the string to stay in line and not feed in astray out of alignment. So also the pulleys for the main motor output shaft pulley for flexion I'm testing and the first pulley downgear I'm testing. Every place a string enters a pulley needs to have a small eye that guides the string onto the pulley perfectly in alignment with the plastic discs of the pulley and prevents it from derailing.

I noticed that when feeding string into a pulley I intuitively hold the string between thumb and index finger and pull the string away from the pulley as its being fed into the pulley to apply tension on the line and tight wraps on the pulley. I also align the string with the center of the pulley and hold my fingers at a minimal distance away but not too close. You want the string to be able to easily angle up and down from your finger pinch point to ride up and down the height of the pulley creating layers of wraps evenly as opposed to all wrapping in one area and not having a well distributed wrapping. If you study how to wind a bobbin on the top of a sewing machine, you see the string take 3 turns and go through a metal wheel that places tension onto it and only then does it enter the bobbin which it then winches onto the bobbin rapidly to wrap up the bobbin with string. These are all designed to create tension from the otherwise loose and floppy string leaving the main spool of thread you are feeding into your empty bobbin. I need to create a similar type of tension system to feed onto my pulleys which are acting just like that bobbin and need the same type of setup to succeed.

To create the eye that centers the string and forces it to neatly stay on the bobbin and not derail so easily, I plan to use 28 ga tinned copper bus wire. I will cut out a small section of that wire and glue it to the base platform the thumb tacks are glued to and then run it vertically and then form the eye shape that acts as a guide and derailment preventer. The eye will just be a oval with a couple legs glued down with 401 glue to hold that oval into position.


For the tension maker, I'm planning to use just a couple windings of tension spring with two small square pieces of plastic which will sandwich together and be pinched together snugly by the tension spring and the fishing line will be fed through this. I will use the same produce container plastic I'm using for the pulley discs. The fishing line will not be abraded/damaged by this in theory but only some pinching force applied to it to give it some tension and cause its feeding action of winching onto the pulley to be tight and snug to help prevent derailments and tangles and loose wraps. This system is meant to emulate and replace holding the string snugly between thumb and index finger as it's fed into the pulley tightly.


Note: I'm not surprised I'm having these issues. The system was not under tension with the spring tension system I posted in my last post yet so that's largely why this is all happening. These measures are mainly resolving issues caused by that lack. However, by adding these problem preventers into the system, I make the system more redundantly protected from any issues coming up in the future. It's like backup systems for problem prevention here.

Note: thinking back to the tremendous struggles and trial and error I watched the engineer on the YouTube channel "StuffMadeHere" has been an encouragement to me in this struggle. His videos never really have just perfect flawless success the first test run. There is always problems and tons of trial and error tweaking to resolve each issue and creatively work around it until he ends up with these beautiful and elegant solutions in the end that work great. This seems par for the course so I just have to remember that this type of headache phase is typical.

Note: it is VERY tedious to have to untangle messes I've made due to lack of tension and proper guidance etc for the string windings. We have 5 total windings each around 3 feet long and all within a envelope close to the area of my thumbnail. It's all compact and tedious and little precision needle nose tweezers or the tip of a sewing needle is the only stuff small enough to even get in there to grab anything. Just a overwhelming mess to fix issues. Not for the faint of heart. If I did not believe this has strong potential I'd give up but everything so far isn't proving lack of merit but moreso is user error and not having a good setup going yet. But even that is a good thing as studying the error and causes of error is giving me great insight into what needs to be done to prevent future error and make the system reliable. I need this first hand education to preempt future errors.
I managed to implement a friction device for both main manual input pulleys for manually turning the motor shaft and one for creating tension on the system at all times. The former I made by just running the fishing line through a tension spring between the coils which pinched the fishing line enough to provide friction and feed it snugly into the motor shaft as it winches it. This successfully replaced the need to feed it in by hand between thumb and index finger with snug pinching action to get it to winch in tightly. For the tension on whole system need, I ended up just hanging a bolt from the final output string which put the whole pulley system under light tension.


You can see the tension springs sewn into the bone fabric on the left hand of the pulley system in the attached photo. You can also see the thread going through those if you look carefully. You can also see the output pulley on the right hand side of the system and see the little metal 28ga wire eyelet I made and the string being fed through that eyelet as it heads toward the camera lense shooting the photo. It then drops down out of sight. So you have to visualize it tied to a bolt. The bolt is currently taped off to a piece of bone since I removed the tension after testing to do some repairs.

So to the results: with these little modifications, the testing went much better. It was fairly reliable. The only times anything tangled up was when the bolt caught on something when I wasn't paying attention which relieved the pulley system momentarily of the tension created by the weight of the bolt pulling down by gravity and tensing up the system. As soon as the system lost that tension, it began to unravel and created a tangled mess. This happened a few times in testing and was user error. Although one time a pulley just stopped turning randomly despite the tension created by the bolt. That concerned me alot. I don't know if something got wedged in it or it was cockeyed just right or what but sometimes it gets stuck a bit. That cannot happen ever or the whole thing fails. Perhaps greasing the inside of the fishing crimp sleeve would prevent this from happening anymore. Also, the bolt is not THAT heavy. Using something with a bit more tension force placed onto the system could also help some more perhaps. I think using a tension spring as the tensioner - as shown in a drawing I posted previously - will be just the right amount of tension. I think it might pull a bit harder than the weight of the bolt was pulling. So between those two improvements I think this rare fluke will be avoided. And so far, as far as I've seen, as long as the pulleys spin freely and no tension is lost, everything appears to work perfectly. I was able to go back and forth with no issues many times besides the few screw-ups I already mentioned.

So the system appears to be a success so far from testing. I can now move onto building pulley #2 and 3 and testing them thoroughly in conjunction with pulley #1.

Also of note: I thought pulley #1 was a 3:1 ratio and perhaps it is at times, but the mechanical advantage ratio changes over the course of the winching process because the larger pulley gets smaller as it unwinds and the smaller pulley gets bigger as it winds up. So their relative diameters changes. Therefore, I guess we have to treat it as what is the average mechanical advantage it produces. Well in the final measurement, it cut down the original 27" of string being winched in to 13" of string on the final output. Trading down that distance of travel is the key to the creation of mechanical advantage.

We want the final output to be around 0.84". We want 32:1 mechanical advantage in the end. So pulley #1 got us to 2:1 mechanical advantage only so far. The next pulley likely will get us to around 4:1 and the next one 8:1. I am considering just stopping there. I have room for two more pulleys, but at the moment I'm considering doing the last two down-gears with my Archimedes downgearing pulley design. I think that method might be a little more robust and I kind of just want to use both methods at this time. Both have their pros and cons. I feel using both methods can help me learn which one is superior and learn to perfect both as I see which one is more durable long term, which one has more incidents, which one tangles from time to time and why and resolving those issues if they come up.

The great thing is this: the compact pulley method (thumb tack method) is giving us 8:1 downgearing roughly. Of the 27" of total draw, that brings output draw at that point down to 27/8=3.37". So the final two downgearing stages will be reducing 3.37" draw down to 0.84" draw. So 3.37"/2=1.68" then 1.68/2=0.84". So the Archimedes pulley system only needs TWO pulleys (down from whatever huge number we had before in our previous monstrosity of wraps and turns we had to do). To make just two pulleys is a piece of cake. Also, given 3.37" is all we are working with for the first pulley, and the pulley is equidistance in the center of that stretch, the total draw length of the two string halves wrapping around that first pulley is only 1.68". And the next pulley's total length is .84". So 1.68+.84=2.5" give or take is the total length of the pulley system for this. This edition of the Archimedes pulley system adds 4:1 downgearing to the compact thumb tack pulley system's 8:1 downgearing. Giving us a total of 8x4= 32:1 downgearing. That 2.5" total length Archimedes pulley system setup is so small compared to my original 16:1 Archimedes pulley system I published earlier that it is a lot more practical to use and we still save a ton of space.
Note: I could do the rotate in place style pulleys but just put them on the forearm instead of the motor as the motor is already getting quite cramped and tedious to work with. Or I can do Archimedes pulley system style with pulleys that move lengthwise along the forearm. Both styles are good. I lean toward the latter though at this time. Both would work though. I kind of just like the variety for learning purposes but I'm not 100% sure on this decision.

Note: an advantage to completing the final 4:1 downgearing on the forearm closest to the finger joint is the total distance of string travel from the motor to the finger joint and the total bends it takes all adds friction and when that friction is placed with a large force on it, it is harder on the teflon guide tubing. But by only doing partial downgearing at the location of the motor and saving the next phase of downgearing for being closer to the finger joint in question, we avoid a lot of forces and frictions in the teflon guide tubing running longer distances to get to the finger. In some cases, I have motors intended to actuate finger joints placed in my CAD as far away from the finger joint as the upper spine area and some in the lower latimus dorsi area! That is a LONG travel to go across the torso, past the shoulder, down the humerus, past he elbow, down the forearm, and then FINALLY to the finger joint it is actuating. That is a LOT of friction and turns introduced. So to navigate such long distances, it is ideal to have it be just high speed low torque during that time-frame and only beef up the torque with downgearing NEAR the finger joint it is actuating.

Note: the fishing line selected for downgearing while in the early phases of downgearing gets to be very fine low test strength fishing line like the 6lb test braided pe fishing line I'm using here. However, as the downgearing progresses, trading speed for torque, so also the fishing line selected for these sections needs to progressively get larger in diameter to accommodate the higher tensile forces involved. So we'll be graduating from 6lb test to 20lb test then 70lb test then 130lb test. So we'll be changing fishing line diameter 4 times in the routing from the motor output shaft to the joint itself! That said, keeping the downgearing near the motor minimal is best since it enables us to use the finer diameter fishing line for the long travel distance from the motor to the finger area. Then only once near the finger do we do the final downgearing stages and beef up to the larger diameter fishing lines. Then another advantage to all of this is the teflon tpfe guidance tubing we are using as guide tubing gets to be smaller diameter guidance tubing for those long fishing line runs. This saves space and enables us to make tighter turns without as much consequences in terms of wear and tear on those turns and tension/friction concentration at those turns. Also, when making turns AFTER full downgearing, the higher forces involved tend to want to crush and deform the TPFE tubing - which is why sometimes metal spring is used on the outside of the TPFE guidance tubing to make it into a Bowden cable and reinforce it to make it non-collapsible under the high tension forces that get involved by that point. We avoid all of this by keeping the downgearing at the location of the motor more minimal.

Note: that all said, our downgearing at the location of the motor thus far is planned to be 8:1. The motor outputs .45lb at our distance from the center of the motor shaft roughly. So 8x.45= 3.6lb of tension force as the output at the motor then. This means we get to use our 20lb test fishing line for the long travel from the motor to the distal forearm where we will do the final 4:1 downgearing bringing us up to 32:1 downgearing. That 20lb test line is only 0.2mm diameter so it and the TPFE guidance tubing we pair with it is very fine and can easily weave its way past everything and get to the distal forearm without taking up too much space or having to be reinforced by metal spring to prevent crushing or distortion of the TPFE. At least not in theory. If this proves not true, I can always add metal springs to any sections that are getting crushed or distorted to reinforce the outer diameter of the TPFE guide tubing in those areas - probably areas near tight turns? We want to take as few turns as possible though and make the turn radius as large as possible to cut down on friction as much as we can during the fishing line routing runs.

This is a slow, careful hand test of the pulley. Everything looks good. Also, I did fast tests but didn't capture a nice shot of those with good hd closeup like this. In any case, this can show you some idea of how it all looks in action so far. The motor shaft is not turning electronically but is being turned by me pulling string wrapped around it to screen left is my hand pulling. To screen bottom is a hanging bolt that is being winched (not shown its cropped out of the image).

I wanted to avoid working on the electronic actuation which is a rabbit hole in itself until I have the pulley system fully done and tested. THEN I will make it all work electronically as the next phase.
Okay so here is my latest iteration of my motor mounted winch in place pulley downgearing setup completed.

I ended up doing a total overhaul of everything since my last iteration failed. In this iteration I made many small improvements. One thing I noticed is that the thumbtack shafts have a little bulbous section near their tip and I reasoned that perhaps this can catch on the #2 fishing crimp sleeve and impede it at times. So I sanded it off with a nail file so the whole shaft is now a cylinder with no protrusions. When I tested the rotation with the fishing crimp sleeve after this modification, it spun more freely than ever before by a long shot. So I think I'll do this every time going forward.

Another improvement is I added more height to the sections of the pulley, taking up all the available vertical space that used to be planned to be used for reverse direction actuation which is now being done by a tension spring instead. The added vertical space on each pulley means that contiguous loops of string wrapping have more space and so the diameter taken up by the string as it winches doesn't change nearly as much as before which means it will have more consistent downgearing through the whole duration of the winching cycle. I prefer this. It is also easier to work with for gluing on the discs and whatnot with them more spread out.

Another improvement is I added an extra pulley set on the top of the main winch in place pulley which I will use to attach a string which will be tensioned on one end by a spring and the purpose of this will be to put tension on the system to prevent derailments and ensure tight wrapping every time the winch releases its string (finger extensions). Now I may not actually need this extra tensioner pulley if the spring on the finger doing the extension actuation provides enough tension to the Archimedes pulley system and this winch in place pulley to cause them all to remain snug and tensioned, however, I think I probably should tension this winch with an additional tension spring dedicated to it exclusively even if it is just a redundancy just to play it safe and doubly ensure we get no derailments even when some issue may come up with the Archimedes pulley system. Last thing we need is a cascading of failures like Archimedes system fails so also winch in place pulley then derails and tangles so then we are really set back in the event of some unexpected issue. So better to have this redundancy.

To provide constant tension on the winch in place pulley, I have considered using elastic thread used for making DIY necklaces, using a tension spring, and using a clock spring. The latter seems like it could be the best and most reliable option due to its constant tension. I bought a few sizes to experiment with from Aliexpress. Search terms to purchase such an item were "flat spiral coil constant force spring". They are around $2 each. Considering the motor is $24, $2 to have a extra spring isn't too bad. It could really make or break the reliability I think. Now the issue is the spring is supposed to provide tension for all 32" of travel of the winch. That is a long way. My mini tape measure surely has this type of spring in it and it has that tension spring the whole time and presumably uses the same type of spring I just bought. So it is possible for a tension spring to do this for this length of travel. So hopefully one of the ones I bought works for this. If not I may have to upgear it trading tension for more travel distance. I will have to fit these extra springs into the body which may be tough. Space is VERY constrained but hopefully we can pull it off without any issues. In any case, these are going to take a few weeks to arrive so I'll be testing without it at first.

Another improvement is I made the diameter of the larger pulley of this turn in place winch bigger which means it will provide more downgearing. Not sure how much maybe an extra 5% or w/e but it's something.

I have routed the final output string using the TPFE tubing around the side of the elbow this time and then across the forearm and over to where I have setup my Archimedes pulley system from before. This Archimedes pulley system is getting a total overhaul. Many improvements planned for it. So that is up next, overhauling that. And then I will be ready to connect the turn in place winch pulley and its 2.4:1 or so downgearing with the 16:1 Archimedes pulley downgearing to achieve around 38:1 downgearing in total.

I must say it is a bit demoralizing and annoying to rebuild the winch in place pulley system 3-4 times now but I guess it's fine. That is part of the trial and error refinement process and learning process. That is how we improve on it and correct any false presuppositions we had. That is why experimentation and testing are important. So in some sense, even just having to build it just 3-4 times is a testament to the design process actually going pretty smoothly. Much better than having to do 20-30 rebuilds to get it right. So we were pretty accurate then on our overhauls and can limit rebuilds if we think it through well and do a great job. I hope this time we got it perfect and can move on to other things! Testing will tell.
Ok so I've been now working toward creating the latest iteration of the Archimedes 16:1 pulley based downgearing system and as part of that I decided to remake some of the pulleys with grooved outer races as I had discussed previously wanting to do - in order to prevent the fishing line from walking to a corner of the pulley and wedging itself in between the bearing and the plastic disc sandwiching in the bearing and becoming jammed that way. Previously, we had glued in a very tiny piece of clear thread to block this gap anywhere I found the tendency for jams to happen, however, to create a grooved outer race from the outset is going to prevent this issue all together!


So to do it, I took my little 1x3x1mm ball bearing and pinned it down with my left thumb against wax paper on top of a stack of post it notes, so holding it all with my left hand in the air. I used my highest zoom on my visor magnifier to see what I'm doing. I then loaded very tiny amounts of super glue onto my xacto knife with sewing needle tip instead of blade tip and using this sewing needle tip, very carefully placed super glue into the joint where the ball bearing outer race meets the wax paper. I did this for about 1/3 of the bearing then carefully lifted off the pressure of my left thumbnail pinning it down and rotated the whole thing then repinned the bearing down again with my left thumbnail and repeated the process of adding glue little by little. When one side was done, I was able to carefully peel it all up from the wax paper, flip, and do the other side.

This needs to be carefully trimmed down still but the idea was a massive success. The bearing still spins freely and the grooved outer race is done! That fishing line can't go ANYWHERE now to jam anything! The photo is just the ball bearing and the glue. So the plastic discs will now be able to go over this and the fishing line won't be able to walk across the outer bearing surface and jam itself between the bearing and the plastic discs anymore!

Note: my concern about this procedure was that the glue could potentially walk underneath the bearing and glue the outer race to the inner race and thereby ruin the bearing - but this did not happen! The gap between the underside of the bearing and the wax paper which were both firmly pressed together by my thumbnail was too tight for the glue to travel into there and ruin anything. So the glue only went where I wanted it - which is on the outer race of the bearing forming the intended groove on that outer race. A huge success. I used 401 glue btw.
Here's a better image of the grooved outer race with more refinement. To refine it I cut away excess glue with exacto knife and then sanded it with a nail file a bit to smooth it out.

Ok so I was struggling to plan out how the flat spiral coil constant force spring would maintain constant tension on my first winch in place pulley the past couple days and I was studying how tape measures use these springs. Then it hit me when a colleague was mentioning belt pulley based downgearing that a belt pulley based downgearing for this first pulley would remove all the issues of derailment and need for constant tension during whole duration of travel a winch style would require in this design. Also, since its just .4lb-.8lb of force for the first pulley downgear, as long as the belt is reasonably tensioned and has some decent grip to it, I should not deal with a ton of slippage issues and the motor's output should be passed along well. So here is my beginning attempt at converting my first pulley to a belt based pulley instead of fishing line winch based pulley.


This is made just using adhesive transfer tape applied to one side of a nitrile glove and cut out into a 1.1mm wide strip and applied to the two pulleys directly. Built in place.

Early testing shows it needs more layers to have less stretchiness or needs to be reinforced internally with fishing line wraps between layers to prevent so much stretch to it which causes slippage. Also, the motor output shaft acting as the winch pulley is a combination of a bit too small in diameter and a bit too smooth to create a proper grip. So I'm thinking of thickening it up some and adding a grippy surface to it so that it grips the belt better with less slippage.

I am considering using silicone rubber to coat the motor output shaft or several wraps of nylon upholstery thread and super glue to thicken it then coating that with carpet anti-slip paint. Or silicone.

I'm considering making the belt from a cloth coated in silicone or carpet anti-slip paint and then sewn tightly into place over the pulleys - creating a sewn seam for a tight grip.

I'm considering a tensioner pulley but I think that's overkill and should be avoided unless it proves absolutely necessary.

I have not explored purchasing options at this time but of course I'm open to look into this in the future. The thing about a premade is it would have to be a perfect fit in both length and width and I'm not sure if that will be easy to find or not. This is all a very new approach so I can investigate that later. For now I'm happy to just move quickly on the prototyping with materials on hand.
Ok so my belt drive system from my last update just is not quite up to par in terms of grip and anti-slippage. So my new series of changes are planned out and underway now. First, I will be bumping up the height of each pulley to 2mm up from 1.1mm. This will double the surface contact area for way more belt grip in and of itself. So then I can use a 2mm wide belt. Next, I'll be increasing the drive pulley diameter to 1.5-2mm additional diameter. This will also greatly increase surface contact with the belt for more grip. Then finally, I'll be using a commercial belt that is said to have the highest grip of all belts - its called a polyurethane belt. It is a flat belt with 2mm width and .9mm thickness. It should be a huge upgrade to my current setup! Here's some photos of it:


The best part is you can customize the diameter of the belt by melting the two ends together! This was a key thing I did not know! So I can create just the right size and it should be perfect! I can also double these up by melting two belts layer by laer for a 1.8mm thick square shaped belt that is even less stretchy and so can be even more able to tightly grip my pulleys. I'm very excited about this and think it will take us to where we need to be *crossing fingers*.
I've had an epiphany. So in the winch in place pulley system I was working on before, my concern was that when winching in the string things would be taught and reliable but when the motor reverses and releases string, that is when any snags in the system could cause the string to not be taken up rigidly and tension on the system is then lost and the motor is then unspooling string which isn't being taken up which will result in a spaghetti mess of string spraying everywhere out of control and getting all tangled up. The solution I had was a constant tension spring attached to the turn in place pulley output that would ensure that always keeps the string in tension as the motor unwinds. However, that was a extra cost and complexity and volume taken up by yet another thing and when you multiply that out by 300+ motors that's a LOT of springs added taking up a ton of extra space. That is why I moved to a belt based system instead of string and winch based for the first pulley. So the epiphany was this: it hit me that I can simply have the spring that does the extension of the final finger joint be what puts tension on the whole system and then if at any point in the system a snag were to happen, rather than tension being lost as the motor blindly unravels, not detecting the snag, I could have the motor NOT actively unwind anything at any point! So the motor, when unwinding is to occur, will simply turn OFF, rather than actively drive the unwinding electronically. It can pulse width turn off just acting as a brake to moderate speed of extension but at no point do any counter clockwise release or unwinding of the string. This way, the system only itself pulls string off the motor output shaft and if the system at any point snags, the extension stops and the string is all still under moderate tension but just no further advancement takes place and the motor does nothing further but blindly turning on and off but not actually spraying out thread everywhere at all. Eventually, the potentiometer measuring the joint angle of the finger joint would detect things are not moving and the system would KNOW it has a snag somewhere and at that point it would perhaps try to contract then attempt extension again hoping to dislodge the snag. If this did not work, the system would go into a troubleshooting routine like notifying the user (myself) to fix it or fixing it itself or w/e. But no damage would occur in this setup involving a unraveling mess or tangled mess. Simply the snag itself would be discovered and addressed but no catastrophic series of failures would result in theory under this new setup.

So with all of that said, and this solution in place, I am ready to return to the turn in place style winch style first pulley setup I had before and then the Archimedes pulley will do the rest. So the first pulley will be 2:1 downgearing and the Archimedes system will do 16:1 for a total of 32:1 downgearing. No constant tension spring needed anymore! Much simpler now. Everything I was concerned about is then solved now.

The belt based system fix ideas I was going for may have worked but as of right now I'm abandoning that course. I prefer the winch style and think belts would be higher maintenance and slippage would perhaps be an issue even with all the changes I had mentioned to improve on it. The fact is, belts only have so much surface area to grip onto so they don't scale down too well to tiny pulleys IMO. Large pulleys are better due to large surface area and more for the belt to grip. So my super miniature belt idea was a bit doomed from the start even if it could have worked (and it may well have worked) it just isn't ideal theoretically and I'd rather go with something I trust more intuitively for now.
Here's my latest progress on the winch in place pulley setup. I opted for 10lb test 0.12mm diameter PE fishing line (orange color) as the output that will interface into the first pair of downgearing pulleys of my archimedes pulley downgearing system.


This turn in place pulley achieves 2.77:1 downgearing ratio now. The motor shaft reels in 32 inches of string that is 6lb test 0.08mm pe fishing line (black) and after the downgearing pulley, the final amount of orange fishing line reeled in is 11.55". That's a much more manageable amount of runout for the archimedes pulley system to deal with to keep it more compact.

The archimedes pulley downgearing system will add an additional 16:1 downgearing to this which brings me to a total of 44:1 downgearing. The motor itself pulls at .5lb pulling force so after 44x that increases to 22lb of pulling power. After mechanical disadvantage is factored in, I estimate the finger can curl 5.5lb ideally which is about the same strength as my finger. So that's perfect and VERY strong IMO.
Not the most substantial update but I wanted to share my top cap solution for the winch in place pulley. In this photo, you can see that I cut out a small piece of the clear plastic from strawberry container into a little square and poked a hole in it with sewing needle then pressed it onto the tack firmly till the tack jutted out a bit like 1mm. Then I glued the tack to the top cap with 401 glue. This keeps the pulley from coming off the winch when the motor is upside down which it is now.


Another small update is I just ordered some plastisol to experiment with for robot skin making or even other parts of the robot like the artificial lungs or even ligaments perhaps. I ordered the hard and the soft versions which you can mix together to get medium variants. This is the stuff used to make fishing lures but the harder formulations make pvc medical skeletons. It is a thermal plastic so its like TPU but unlike TPU, not so fussy since you can microwave it for 3 minutes and use it - much easier and lower fumes. You can reuse it too by just microwaving it again. So that's a improvement over silicone. The worm fishing lures are quite durable. It comes in clear and you add pigment. I plan to add acrylic paint and may switch to dies or lacquer paints to see what works. I think using this as skin is being slept on. It seems like it could have huge potential. You can shoot it into a mold or apply it over a 3d model by spray or brush or knife application methods. Then peel off and use. I love that it can cure instantly in theory if you spray the hot surface of it with upside down compressed duster can - this is how I get hot glue to insta cure. A instant cure is amazing for fast results. I like super glue/401 glue because it insta cures with accelerator spray. Anything with no wait time for curing speeds up workflow and enables me to move quicker in getting steps done. This would make it superior to silicone due to no wait times. A power mesh backing fabric will give it the rip resistance it needs just like silicone mask makers use.
I had a eureka moment recently that I wanted to share. So basically I was thinking that I may not need to read back emf from a BLDC motor in my custom motor controller. Instead, I can have it just mindlessly advance the motor at a fairly low power mode by default and a default speed of advancement of the rotating electromagnetic field. Without feedback, it may overshoot, rotating faster than the output shaft and thereby skipping some turns. That is the reason why people want to read the back emf to avoid that issue and instead only advance the electromagnetic field forward at just the right moment - the zero point crossing moment. But I was thinking about it and realized that is not really necessary. For this application, if skips start happening, it doesn't really matter. To the degree that skips are happening, the motor will stop advancing the load with its winch system and this will show up when readings are taken by the potentiometer measuring the final joint angle. If alot of skips were taking place, the advancement of the potentiometer would not match the angle it thought it would be at were no skips involved and this would tell the motor controller that it has been having skips and give it an idea of how many skips as well based on the divergence of projected joint angle by now and actual joint angle by now. So then it would turn down the speed a bit or turn up the amount of on time of its pwm and thereby put more force into the rotating magnetic field to give a bit more oomph to the motor. It would then track progress by way of the potentiometer again and see if that solved it. If it still is skipping a fair amount that could indicate the load is more than expected or there is a jam in the system or it just needs more power and it could turn up the power more and slow the speed down more on its rotating magnetic field overall speed and try again. Rinse and repeat until it finds the sweet spot or finds out it simply cannot lift the load because its too heavy or there's a jam in the pulleys or w/e. So in a way then this would give it collision detection as well as the ability to have an idea of how heavy loads are based on how much it had to slow down and add forces to get the joint to move. I then see no real need to implement ANY back emf reading NOR any need for hall effect sensors etc to monitor rotation progress. The potentiometer on the final joint the motor is actuating is enough clues to tweak the rotating magnetic field to our satisfaction. By eliminating the back emf circuitry we greatly simplify the schematic of the motor controller, suffer negligible performance hit, and eliminate a lot of processing for the microcontroller chip handling the logic of many bldc motors simultaneously which means it can handle more bldc motors by itself. It doesn't get bogged down so much by having to read in all the zero point crossings as part of its routine. This saves on processing demands and processing speed demands. Getting this all to work in real time and perfecting it will require a fair bit of trial and error but this is how I'm seeing it working out and my proposed solution for simplifying things. I think it should work great! I'm excited to have much more dumbed down circuitry like this and to get to working on this soon. Just have to finish making my pulleys and then this electronics development can get underway again. That's why I've been thinking ahead about it a fair bit since it seems I'm likely nearing the end of solving the pulleys situation soon.
I realized the 1x3x1mm ball bearings are really the perfect size being so small which is ideal to keep things compact but the only disadvantage is they only support I think 10lb weight put on them before they'd break. So I was going to use them for the first couple pulleys in the archimedes pulley system then switch to a plain bearing I made for when the forces get too high for the 1x3x1mm ball bearing to handle in the last couple pulleys. But recently it hit me that I can stack two of the 1x3x1mm bearings on top of eachother and use two fishing lines for that section of pulley to go around these double stacked pulleys in order to double the load capacity. If that is not enough I can add another single or double pulley below it and they would all come up together acting as a single pulley as far as the downgearing goes distributed across more than one bearing. With this approach I can use this type of ball bearing exclusively for everything since I can just add more and more of them for higher load situations in theory. I mean maybe for leg motor downgearing I could bump up to a beefier pulley but we'll see. So that is yet another nice breakthrough idea I had recently.

I'm currently wrapping up my 2nd archimedes pulley system prototype and will be posting an update on that soon.
Here's just a couple of my latest design drawings for my archimedes pulley system and a double stacked pulley setup.

And here are assorted parts progress for the archimedes pulley system:

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