Video: Chinese Humanoid Robot That Speaks is Rapidly Catching Up to OpenAI/Figure

After being inspired by the impressive GPT-enhanced Figure 01 humanoid we admired last month, China's UBTech has teamed up with Baidu to equip its latest industrial Walker S humanoid with the capability for natural conversation and instantaneous problem-solving. Established in 2012 in Shenzhen, UBTech initially launched a small toy robot and then made headlines with its Alpha Bots' dance-off in 2016, followed by a record-breaking performance by its Dobi robots in 2017. Recently, the Walker S, alongside another humanoid, shared the stage with executives in Hong Kong to celebrate UBTech's stock exchange listing, showcasing its abilities to communicate, fold clothes, and accurately place objects.

The Walker S's conversational abilities stem from Baidu's ERNIE Bot AI platform, allowing it to respond to voice prompts almost as swiftly as Figure's GPT-powered demonstration. The robot uses this technology, along with advanced learning models, to understand and execute tasks. While its folding skills might not match a professional's, they are impressive, and the robot can even provide fashion advice. Its pick-and-place functionality demonstrates adaptability, handling changes in its task environment with ease.

UBTech introduced the Walker S for industrial use, quickly forming partnerships, such as with automaker NIO, to integrate humanoid robots into manufacturing. Although the robot's details are not fully disclosed on the company's website, it features advanced design elements and technology for navigation and object manipulation, suggesting a blend of Optimus and Figure 01 influences.

This collaboration with Baidu marks UBTech's initial steps into AI-enhanced robotics. It's exciting to anticipate how ERNIE Bot will compare to Figure 01's GPT tech and what future advancements will emerge, especially with NVIDIA's involvement in the sector. The rapid progress in this field suggests that we can expect significant technological advancements soon


Which type of robots will have the most significant impact on daily life by 2030?

  • Humanoid Robots

  • Industrial Robots

  • Mobile Robots

  • Medical Robots

  • Agricultural Robots

  • Telepresence Robots

  • Swarm Robots

  • Exoskeletons

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