It is such a nice to hear about your desire to know more about Space Robotics. Considering that you're already taking Physics, Math, and Computer Science, you are in a very good position. To major in Computer Science can be a wise decision as it enables us to use various specific skills for robotics.
Here are some steps you might consider:Here are some steps you might consider:
University Courses: Cite the courses offering in areas of robotics, AI, machine learning, and aerospace engineering. The courses in electrical engineering and mechanical engineering will also be useful.
Double Major/Minor: Both a Bachelor of Computer Science in Aerospace Engineering or a minor in Robotics could be maybe a benefit but not a compulsory condition.
Projects and Internships: Indulge in the exciting world of robotics by getting involved in projects or participating in competitions, as an additional provide yourself with an internship from space or robotics companies.
Research Opportunities: Try to find research positions in robotics labs at your university.
Networking: If you belong to the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, select suitable clubs or organizations of particular interest or relevance to your field.
The demand for space robotics engineers turns out to be encouraging, since there are availability of opening positions in space agencies, space companies, and research organizations. General robotics exploration is also useful as it equips the candidate with the wide range of skills which can be applied to different industries.
For clarity, we can ask more questions or discuss certain courses available at school. I wish you well on your path to the future of space exploration--robotics.