Humanoid Robot Market Heats Up Globally

The competition in the humanoid robot market is intensifying, driven by advancements in AI technology. These robots are evolving from basic tasks to sophisticated interactions, recognizing and predicting everyday situations. The global AI robot market, projected to grow significantly, includes sectors like industrial, service, medical, and military, with humanoid robots gaining popularity.

In the US, companies like Figure AI are leading with robots that perform complex tasks and interact naturally with humans. Meanwhile, China’s Baidu has introduced its advanced Walker S robot. The race between these nations highlights the transformative potential of intelligent robots in various industries.

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Which type of robots will have the most significant impact on daily life by 2030?

  • Humanoid Robots

  • Industrial Robots

  • Mobile Robots

  • Medical Robots

  • Agricultural Robots

  • Telepresence Robots

  • Swarm Robots

  • Exoskeletons

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