Elon Musk announced that Tesla might begin selling its Optimus humanoid robots by the end of next year.

Tesla's ambitious step into the world of humanoid robots, led by CEO Elon Musk, indicates a significant advancement with the "Optimus" robot potentially hitting the market by the end of next year. In a recent announcement, Musk expressed optimism about the robot's capabilities, suggesting it could start handling tasks in Tesla's factories by the end of this year. As various industries face potential labor shortages, companies are increasingly turning to humanoid robots for solutions. Tesla's Optimus is part of a broader movement in robotics, with other major companies like Honda, Hyundai's Boston Dynamics, and a Microsoft and Nvidia-backed startup also making significant strides in this field. Musk's history of bold projections adds an interesting layer to this development, as Tesla aims to make robotics a major part of its business (Reuters).

For more details, you can read the full article on Reuters here.

Which type of robots will have the most significant impact on daily life by 2030?

  • Humanoid Robots

  • Industrial Robots

  • Mobile Robots

  • Medical Robots

  • Agricultural Robots

  • Telepresence Robots

  • Swarm Robots

  • Exoskeletons

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