Chinese Humanoid Factory Video Stirs Uncanny Valley Fears on Social Media

A mini 20 seconds clip from a Chinese robotic company made by humans that currently produce androids got the public talked in the social media. The video, by its author ‘meimei4515,’ is doing a tour through a creepy workshop where frightening forms of mechanical men, with their skin strewn about, are created, giving it both a glimpse of wonder and feeling of distaste for the viewers.

The clip does come with an oversight; however, it involves the various androids (re)created with human-like hair and skin, creating a sharp contrast with the usual appearance of general purpose robots. The voice behind the camera in Chinese says: "And to her pleasant surprise, she found that after the completion of the making of parts, the workers had already started mass production," thus revealing the scale of production.

When taking a deeper look at the statues one can see the process of ExRobots, a famous robotic manufacturer from China that has gained a reputation for its quality animatronics. This is seen in the depicted ‘arm-tree’ that served as a signature item for the ExRobots company at all the exhibitions the company attended. The official site of the company states that ExRobots are the experts is the development “robots with efficient and friendly smart guide services” for the purpose of facilitation of government agencies, medical institutions and service retail industries.

We run ‘Ex Future Science and Technology Museum’ in Dalian which is quite like 'Madame Tussaud’s' being a high-tech version, except that all the exhibits are interactive. Museum animation technology brings famous science personalities such as Einstein and Edison to life. It also allows the visitors to get interact with the robots by using full body digital capture and even offer 3D scanning and printing services for the customer personal robot parts.

Contrast to this, the robots on social media are not for AI companionship but for attention-grabbing displays. They are designed as the advanced animate devices that are strictly for exhibits only. The influencer video is super captivating as ExRobots demonstrate an excellent skill of realistic visuals which is the actual essence of their business.

While you are there, the rest of humanoid robot industry is in the middle of tremendous progress during 2024 as well. Chinese manufacturers like Unitree, UBTech/Baidu, Asterbot, LimX, and Kepler as well as Beijing Humanoid Robot Innovation Center are engaged in important AI - powered roborobotic issue resolution initiatives . With the growing popularity of e-commerce, companies like Tesla, and Agility are coming closer to the North American counterparts as these companies deal with electronic home appliances.

Attention also focuses on Boston Dynamics, the front-runner in this field, when it presented the next generation of Atlas robot with electric actuators, contributing a great increase in agility.

In the meantime, despite the fact that videos on lifelike robots go viral and captivate people’s minds, it is the impact of the rise in the development of more intelligent and function-driven robots that may as well revolutionize society to the core.

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